Thanks to all of you who've left comments and congratulations. We've finally made it home and we're settling into our new life as a family of six. Of course the first couple of nights were pretty rough, but last night went really well. Isaac woke up to nurse a couple of times and then went right back off to sleep in his own bed even. I know I promised pictures, and I'm sure I'll have more soon, but for now I'll leave you with this sweet image of our little guy. FYI he does not like the pacifier, but he sure loves that fist.
Hello to Becca's Blog Buddies! This is Val.
Please, join me in welcoming Isaac James. He was born at 6:05 p.m. tonight (September 15).
He's 7 lbs. 15 oz. and 21 inches long. Becca says he has a whole mess of dark hair and that he looks just like Micah did when he was born.
Happy Birthday little Isaac! You are loved by so many people already!!!
I did a shoot for a friend of mine and her family this weekend. It was something we'd been planning to do for a while, but our schedules had not meshed until this weekend. So I left my kids with Aunt Jody for an hour (she already had her 4 and Kelly's 2), and took off down the road for a quick shoot.
Anyway, Amelia's been begging to see her shots all week, so I thought I'd send her a little teaser until I finish the rest. Of course you all can see them too.

These kids are adorable and they were so fun to shoot.

Justin and Amelia have been married since just before Chloe was born. And they still look like they have a lot of fun together!
Mom to four beautiful blessings including a brand new little guy. Laugh and cry with me as I navigate the joys and perils of motherhood and homeschooling.