Thursday, March 18, 2010


Do you have a friend like this?

Someone you can call anytime you're happy or sad, anxious or bored?

Who calls you up just cuz she was thinking of you?

Or who you call just cuz your kids did something funny and you wanted to share the laugh with someone else?

Someone who loves you even when you tell her your deepest darkest secrets that make you not like yourself very much?

Someone to make you forget why you were mad at the grocery store clerk, or who gets indignant with you so you know you're not a freak?

Someone who loves you even more when you don't agree with her, just because you're you and she values your opinion?

Someone to remind you that Jesus loves you and so does she when you're feeling most unloved?

Everyone should have a friend like this and I am so blessed that I do.  And I get to leave this crazy joint to go see her next week for 6 days!

Monday, March 15, 2010

6 months is half a year

Wow.  That's all I can say.  Well, not all I can say.  Really I can say a lot.  But "Wow!" Isaac is six months old today. 

He's growing up so fast. He just learned to roll over a couple of weeks ago and already, I'm having to get after the bigs for leaving toys out.  He's not quite moving yet, but he's rolling with a purpose and I'm sure it won't be long before he can get anywhere he wants.

He's starting to tolerate other people a little better, Daddy in particular has become pretty fun.  Zac even teased me a little the other day when I tried to take him from Kevin.  It was just a tease though cuz he is definitely a momma's boy through and through. 

I've been thinking back over the last six months and how fast it seems this little guy is growing, but how much the next six months have in store for him.  Today was the first time he got to play on the ground (still on a blanket) outside.  The kids and I took him for his very first walk just last week.  He's only gotten to experience the outdoors as the cold place we have to go through to get to where we're going.  How fun will it be to introduce this little person to the beauty of God's world rather than the four walls man made?  He loves playing with his stuffed toys, but how awesome will it be the first time he pats a real dog or sees a real bird?

In six months, God has grown this little tiny bundle into a fun baby with real personality. What will the next six months bring?

This is the face he reserves for his mommy, his most favorite person. 

Look at those eyes sparkle in the sun!

Thursday, March 4, 2010

Dinner time!

Sunday night I was not feeling at all like fixing dinner.  I had made fajitas for lunch, and I really don't think it's necessary to have more than one big meal a day.  But we had used up most of the leftovers and I didn't think of it soon enough to pull a meal out of the freezer, so it was either sandwiches or fajitas again. Then in a flash of brilliance, I figured out how to get a meal like this on the table with little or no effort from me.
Get the seven year old to do it!  I have never been a big fan of kids in the kitchen, mostly because I am not a very patient person.  But on occasion I do let them help.  And Chloe is beginning to be quite a big helper.  She is big enough now to even do the stirring on the stove which makes her feel pretty big and special. 
And this works out really well for me because all I had to do was give her instructions and supervise the process.  She made the entire tatertot casserole from start to finish!  She even chopped the onions!  I did have to put the casserole in the oven, but that was definitely worth it to me. 
Check out the tongue! She was really working hard! Chloe was so proud of herself she even thanked me afterwards for letting her do it.  She's such a big girl and I am so proud of her.

Wednesday, March 3, 2010

A night with my guys

Every Wednesday, Kevin takes Chloe and Micah to AWANA and I get to hang out with Jadon and Isaac.  I usually try to get Isaac down early so J and I can have some time with just the two of us, but tonight Zac had other plans.  So Jadon and I had to make do.  We played a little Wii.

And read a book.  And then we made some cookies.


That was, of course, the best part.  Actually, I think the best part was eating them!

Chocolate chip is Jadon's favorite.  Just look at that grin!

Isaac didn't get to try them today, but he still had fun playing with Mommy and brother.
Mom to four beautiful blessings including a brand new little guy. Laugh and cry with me as I navigate the joys and perils of motherhood and homeschooling.