I know, I know, it's cliché. But there is usually a reason for cliché. I can't believe it's been a year already! My little guy is growing up and entering that mystical time of toddlerhood.
Zac has finally figured out how to crawl on his hands and knees rather than slither like a snake on his belly. But the cake I made for his and Joshua's birthday party sure fit him well.
You know, they say (whoever "they" are) that later babies learn to walk and talk later. In Zac's case that seems to apply as well, because there is never any shortage of brothers or sister or cousins to help him out. He even has a cousin to share his birthday with!
What a blessing it is to watch this little one grow and to help him become the man that God wants him to be. I pray we are up to the task. Who knows, he might even become a football star!
(But I think he'll have to stop chewing on the ball first.)