This is my little man. He is an awesome little guy that everybody loves. But he constantly makes this funny noise that sounds pretty nasty while he's eating, so he had an appointment last week with a feeding therapist. I'd never even heard of a feeding therapist before last week so it was quite educational for me. She is actually a speech pathologist that specializes in feeding. Apparently his funny sound that he makes when he's eating is him choking, two or three times every meal. It's actually kind of scary to realize that he chokes on his food every single time he eats. Evidently his tonsils are so large that he cannot swallow his food easily and instead is choking on it regularly. So sometime soon he will be having his tonsils and adenoids removed. Despite the fact this is a relatively minor surgery, and quite necessary, it's still surgery and we would appreciate all the prayers our little guy can get. Also, my baby's ENT who we really like, will not take little man as a new patient so our only option outside of traveling to Chicago is an ENT we are unfamiliar with in town. As a surgeon, he comes highly recommended, so I am not concerned about that terribly, but I want my little guy to be comfortable with his doctor, too. Pray that everything goes well and that I am able to be a good advocate for my. I have a tendency to get intimidated by doctors and I don't want little man to suffer for my insecurities.
*My guy has since seen the ENT who is not convinced he needs his tonsils out, in strong disagreement with both the pediatrician and the feeding therapist. We are having a test done, basically several x-rays taken while he eats, next week. Provided that he does what both I and the feeding therapist have observed him doing, this should help the ENT make a more informed decision.
Please note that while I am pleased that the surgeon wants to be thorough, I felt like my concerns were summarily dismissed and the opinion of the feeding therapist were utterly disregarded. Particularly since Micah had woken in the night with tonsils swollen and cutting off his breathing. Please pray for guidance and direction for both me and DH as well as the doctors and therapists as we try to help my little guy in the best way possible.
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