Wednesday, July 30, 2008
Total Disrespect
I wonder where the parents of the kids who did this to our car were Saturday night.
I'm guessing that they didn't know where their kids were. FYI: those particular kids were not so smart. They evidently didn't realize they were on video when they also spray painted the concession stand at the park near our house.

Friday, July 25, 2008
A study in Toddlerhood

This almost 2 age is really wearing this mama down.
Jadon has decided that this week he is going from 2 naps a day to no naps at all. Monday through thursday he has napped a total of 1 hour and 40 minutes. That's all 4 days combined, and assuming that anytime he was quiet, he was asleep.
He's my first child to ever climb out of a pack-n-play.
I bought a baby gate for the first time ever last week, because JJ has taken to going to the kitchen cabinet and helping himself to whatever cereal or crackers happen to be in there. If he's not satisfied with those options, he'll pull the barstool up to the counter and climb up to see what's there.
The first thing he did after I put up the gate was move a chair over to it and climb on.

No amount of clips or straps or buckles will keep the child in a high chair or stroller.

Any door left slightly ajar is simply an invitation for escape. Try keeping every door in your house securely shut with a big sister and big brother around.
He discovered last week where the suckers were and had eated 3 or 4 before I found his stash.
This morning, he climbed up on the top of the changing table to get 2 of his pacifiers down. Apparently the 3 that he had just retrieved from his crib were not enough.
He'll sit for most of one softball game, but if there are 2, forget about it. He asks every aunt or grandma available to hold him, always with the intention of getting down just as soon as he's on a lap.

Monday, July 21, 2008
Another long weekend and a few more ballgames
We had another Rodie softball game on Friday night, it didn't start until 8pm after our already long day of movie watching and cousin playing. So Saturday morning we got a very sleepy start. Kevin's hip was hurting after the game Friday so he didn't get around to doing much. He won't even turn 30 until later this year, but you'd think he was already an old man. Chloe and Micah and I went down to Michelle's house with her and the girls Saturday afternoon. She and I spent about 4 hours painting her living room a dark red color. Although its kinda like the "horse of a different color" from The Wizard of Oz because it sometimes looks orange and sometimes maroon and sometimes really chocolatey. Whatever color it is, its really pretty and I can't wait to check it out when the room is put back together.
Anyway Saturday turned into another late night for the kids, so Sunday morning I actually had to wake Chloe up for church. We were only a little late(about 20) minutes. But that's what usually happens when Mommy has to get 2 kids a bath and dress the 3rd one (besides getting herself ready) so we can leave by 8am. I've not yet figured out how to do that when Kevin has to be at church at 7:45. Maybe someday we'll make it on time. But someday certainly didn't make it this week.
After church and a run to Menards, because we didn't have quite enough paint to cover the whole living room twice, we headed home to get ready for two more ballgames. Kevin and Chloe went down to the games early with Kevin's dad, while I stayed at home to let the boys get a nap in before the 3 o'clock game. Micah had a little difficulty going to sleep(maybe if he had stopped kicking the wall it would have gone a little better) but eventually all three of us drifted off, and didn't wake up until after 4. So much for game number 1. We did make it in plenty of time for the 5 o'clock game, which they won by 10 in the 5th inning(Way to go Tyler!). Then off to DQ for dinner and Aunt Shelly's for swimming. The kids had a great time in the pool and even JJ got in for a bit. This time, as soon as Micah got in he was ordering Kevin to "LET GO DADDY, LET GO!" Yay, Micah!
As fun as the rest of the day was, with ballgames and ice cream and swimming, the highlight of the day came as we were getting ready to leave. Kevin and the kids were in the kitchen and found a bug crawling around on the floor. It was only about 1/2 inch long and started jumping about 8-10 inches in the air! It was pretty funny, but what was even funnier was the crowd of moms and dad and kids all watching and laughing at this tiny little bug as it ran around the kitchen bouncing all over the floor. Jadon and Micah in particular got a great kick out of it. Who needs cable? We've got bugs. So when we were all bugged out, Kevin looks at Micah and says, "you wanna kill it?" Of course he does. So my question for you is this, "Is it wrong that it made me a little sad?
Anyway Saturday turned into another late night for the kids, so Sunday morning I actually had to wake Chloe up for church. We were only a little late(about 20) minutes. But that's what usually happens when Mommy has to get 2 kids a bath and dress the 3rd one (besides getting herself ready) so we can leave by 8am. I've not yet figured out how to do that when Kevin has to be at church at 7:45. Maybe someday we'll make it on time. But someday certainly didn't make it this week.
After church and a run to Menards, because we didn't have quite enough paint to cover the whole living room twice, we headed home to get ready for two more ballgames. Kevin and Chloe went down to the games early with Kevin's dad, while I stayed at home to let the boys get a nap in before the 3 o'clock game. Micah had a little difficulty going to sleep(maybe if he had stopped kicking the wall it would have gone a little better) but eventually all three of us drifted off, and didn't wake up until after 4. So much for game number 1. We did make it in plenty of time for the 5 o'clock game, which they won by 10 in the 5th inning(Way to go Tyler!). Then off to DQ for dinner and Aunt Shelly's for swimming. The kids had a great time in the pool and even JJ got in for a bit. This time, as soon as Micah got in he was ordering Kevin to "LET GO DADDY, LET GO!" Yay, Micah!
As fun as the rest of the day was, with ballgames and ice cream and swimming, the highlight of the day came as we were getting ready to leave. Kevin and the kids were in the kitchen and found a bug crawling around on the floor. It was only about 1/2 inch long and started jumping about 8-10 inches in the air! It was pretty funny, but what was even funnier was the crowd of moms and dad and kids all watching and laughing at this tiny little bug as it ran around the kitchen bouncing all over the floor. Jadon and Micah in particular got a great kick out of it. Who needs cable? We've got bugs. So when we were all bugged out, Kevin looks at Micah and says, "you wanna kill it?" Of course he does. So my question for you is this, "Is it wrong that it made me a little sad?
Find it in:
Redneck Rodies,
summer fun
Saturday, July 19, 2008
A Trip to the Movies
My girlfriend, Val, and her little girls came into town this week to visit her grandmother. She called me up the other day to see if my big kids and I would like to join her and Carolyn for their first big screen experience and go see Wall-E.
Of course we said yes so Aunt Jody kept Jadon during naptime and we were off to the movies. Chloe had a great time. Although, by the time it was all over, she had a tummyache from too much popcorn. But Carolyn and Micah were a little disturbed by the loud music and the scary spaceship. Val and Carolyn ended up having to leave about halfway through. It was too bad, because it was a very cute movie. Micah climbed up in my lap and hid his face from the scary parts (he'll tell you there were 3 scary parts) but for most of the movie, he had a good time.
Every once in a while, it's nice to get to do things with just the big kids. And Jadon was still sleeping when we got back to Aunt Jody's so he never even knew he had missed out. It might be a few years until he gets to go, too. And when he does, remind me to bring some earplugs. I forgot how loud movies are!(I think I sound like an old woman)
Every once in a while, it's nice to get to do things with just the big kids. And Jadon was still sleeping when we got back to Aunt Jody's so he never even knew he had missed out. It might be a few years until he gets to go, too. And when he does, remind me to bring some earplugs. I forgot how loud movies are!(I think I sound like an old woman)
Tuesday, July 15, 2008
Around and Around again
So we're back at it again. The sick parade, I mean. Jadon seems to be cured of his poopy problem. We're back to 3-4 a day instead of 7 nasty stinkies. You're probably all thinking "3 or 4?!" but that is life and we're happy to live it. Funny thing was, he needed more fat in his diet. I know, it doesn't make sense, but that's what it is. But anyway, now we've got more sickies runnin' 'round. JJ had a couple days of 103 degree fever. Then it was on to Micah, who we actually thought had strep, but it turns out is the same old virus as Jadon. Now Chloe seems to be feeling pretty off, headache and fever and such. They're surprisingly upbeat when you pump them full of Tylenol and Motrin. So we're hanging out at home for a few days anyway. At least it's a pretty calm week this week. Please pray for my kids.
Oh, and my van has no air conditioning, pray for me too. I don't think we're gonna pay $700 for new air, so until we can afford a new vehicle we're down to suffering through the heat if Kevin and I need a car on the same day. Not too bad this week, since we're not going anywhere anyway, but it may get pretty un-fun for the next couple of months.
(Hopefully we'll be all up and around soon and I can get to takin' some more pictures. You're probably all going through withdrawals right about now.)
Oh, and my van has no air conditioning, pray for me too. I don't think we're gonna pay $700 for new air, so until we can afford a new vehicle we're down to suffering through the heat if Kevin and I need a car on the same day. Not too bad this week, since we're not going anywhere anyway, but it may get pretty un-fun for the next couple of months.
(Hopefully we'll be all up and around soon and I can get to takin' some more pictures. You're probably all going through withdrawals right about now.)
Find it in:
mama's goin' crazy,
prayer requests,
Sunday, July 13, 2008
What kids say...
7:30 in the morning, drinking my coffee before I dry my hair and go off to church. Micah's cuddling in bed with Daddy. He looks at me and says, "Mommy, you're beautiful"
Just as I'm thinking what a sweet thing that was to say, he tilts his head to the side and says, "Your hair looks funny."
Some days you just never know what you're gonna get.
Just as I'm thinking what a sweet thing that was to say, he tilts his head to the side and says, "Your hair looks funny."
Some days you just never know what you're gonna get.
Thursday, July 10, 2008
Date Night
This past Tuesday night Kevin and I actually paid a babysitter to come over to our house and watch the kids while he and I left (together) for more than 4 hours. Now that might sound like no big deal to some of you, but believe me, it was a big deal. Number one, finding a 15 year old girl willing to take care of my 21 month old with chronic diarrhea(ew!) is not an easy task. And number two, those of you who know my husband know how difficult it is for him to spend more than $10 on dinner let alone pay for a babysitter and drive an hour to Red Lobster.
But Kevin actually managed to bite the bullet and make a date. I think he was excited about passing his test last week, which I forgot to mention. He took a series 7(?) licensing test which has something to do with selling stocks and bonds and calls and puts and all those other securities that I don't understand. Basically, it's a long, hard test that he's been studying for months for and a lot of people don't even pass on the first try. So I really think he was interested in celebrating that.
Anyway, we picked up some friends in the 'Burg and drove to the big city. We had a great time, but when we got to Red Lobster they were completely out of fresh fish. Who ever heard of that at a seafood place? That was a little disappointing, but we made do with shrimp and scallops and crab. Don't you feel sorry for us? It was lots of fun and hopefully we can do it again soon. I just love having dinner without a little chorus of "I don't like this" or "can I have more" before I've had a chance to swallow my first bite. I also love seafood, so that can't be a bad deal, can it?
But Kevin actually managed to bite the bullet and make a date. I think he was excited about passing his test last week, which I forgot to mention. He took a series 7(?) licensing test which has something to do with selling stocks and bonds and calls and puts and all those other securities that I don't understand. Basically, it's a long, hard test that he's been studying for months for and a lot of people don't even pass on the first try. So I really think he was interested in celebrating that.
Anyway, we picked up some friends in the 'Burg and drove to the big city. We had a great time, but when we got to Red Lobster they were completely out of fresh fish. Who ever heard of that at a seafood place? That was a little disappointing, but we made do with shrimp and scallops and crab. Don't you feel sorry for us? It was lots of fun and hopefully we can do it again soon. I just love having dinner without a little chorus of "I don't like this" or "can I have more" before I've had a chance to swallow my first bite. I also love seafood, so that can't be a bad deal, can it?
Wednesday, July 9, 2008
Go outside and play!
I never thought the day would come that I had to order my kids to go outside to play. Boy was I wrong. Monday was one of those days. After a very long weekend of late nights and lots of fireworks I was exhausted and the house was a mess, so I attempted to send the big kids outside while I cleaned up the house. Usually I have them help, but that actually takes longer so I wanted to do it myself. They both whined like I had just told them to go teat their liver and onions. It wasn't that surprising from Chloe, but Micah usually jumps at the chance to go outside. Chloe's arguement was that she would go out after lunch. Right.
So, since Jadon didn't seem too interested in naptime yet, I told the big kids to get over themselves and all four of us went outside to play in the yard. They got pretty excited when I offered to play croquet with them.
They're actually getting pretty good.
Micah is somehow able to hit the ball squarely and send it the right way, even when he swings his mallet like a baseball bat. I'm not sure how he does that, but it's pretty funny to watch. And did you notice the path BJ mowed through the yard the other day? If that doesn't say lazy redneck, I don't know what it says.
Jadon had to get out his own mallet and ball and play with us. For a while, he was content to wander around hitting the ball and playing near us. But then he decided he wasn't hitting as well as he could, so this is what he did. 

Monday, July 7, 2008

Saturday, July 5, 2008
What a Blast!

I did take a few pics of the kids that were kinda cute when I played around with them this morning. It's always fun to try new things with my pictures anyway right?

Anyway, we walked over to the school and got some funnel cakes and we all hung out together until the fireworks started. Hey, and since we were only 2 blocks away, the kids were all asleep by 10! That's pretty good, isn't it! Especially considering this is what Chloe looked like last night at 10 while watching the fireworks.

Tuesday, July 1, 2008
A Very Long Weekend
This weekend I attendended Mom 2 Mom summer leadership retreat and I had a great time. The purpose of the retreat is mainly for planning next year's M2M, but it was also a great time for us to get together and relax and have some fun sans children. We had three whole meals that we each had to dish up one plate only (our own) and no one else was begging for our food or complaining that they didn't like their dinner. We didn't even have to fix it ourselves. Thank you so much Marianna! We got lots done and had a blast at the same time!!
Too bad that retreat didn't last longer because my husband and his brother butchered a beef while I was gone. Fortunately that was done far away and before I came home, unlike the goings on from a few months back on Jody's blog. But my sister-in-law and I still spent the better part of the last three days packaging up the meat and trying to pretend we didn't know where it came from. Ahh... the things I never knew about until after I married into this family.
On a different note, Micah's ear infection is doing much better, but we haven't been able to get a second opinion on the whole throat thing. Right now, we're seeing the pediatrician and the speech pathologist/feeding therapist regularly, hoping that they can take care of the problems and avoid surgery entirely. So keep praying for us.
Too bad that retreat didn't last longer because my husband and his brother butchered a beef while I was gone. Fortunately that was done far away and before I came home, unlike the goings on from a few months back on Jody's blog. But my sister-in-law and I still spent the better part of the last three days packaging up the meat and trying to pretend we didn't know where it came from. Ahh... the things I never knew about until after I married into this family.
On a different note, Micah's ear infection is doing much better, but we haven't been able to get a second opinion on the whole throat thing. Right now, we're seeing the pediatrician and the speech pathologist/feeding therapist regularly, hoping that they can take care of the problems and avoid surgery entirely. So keep praying for us.
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Mom to four beautiful blessings including a brand new little guy. Laugh and cry with me as I navigate the joys and perils of motherhood and homeschooling.