...For some Football?
The last two weeks have been completely chaotic. I must have been insane when I filled my schedule to overflowing just a month after having a baby. We have had dr appts and photo shoots and retreats and just a few birthday parties. But we survived and had a little fun on the way.
Micah and Jadon's birthdays are exactly 4 weeks apart, and because of the sheer number of fall birthdays in the Rodie clan, we've celebrated them together the last couple of years. Last year, we had an airplane party at the church where we threw paratroopers and foam gliders off the balcony into the gym. I wasn't sure if we could top that this year, but we sure had a good time trying.
Everyone agrees that Micah is the king of baseball, but Jadon has become a pretty big football fan. And what's more appropriate for fall birthdays than football? So we borrowed some flags from Aunt Jody, and invited all our friends. And then we prayed for good weather. It turned out to be a perfectly fall day. We did get a little sprinkle during the game, but not too bad at all.
So how do you throw a football party with a bunch of kids ages 3 to 7? Well first you need teams.
Kevin and Justin were our captains. They did a great job teaching the kids how to play. And how cute are these little football huddles?
Then you start running!
Caleb was a little intimidated to begin with, but he quickly got the hang of the game. Look at him go!!
Of course we had to have a cheerleader. "Touchdown!"
Eliana was happy to oblige.
After an hour, all the kids were pretty tired and sweaty so we headed inside for some cake and yummy hot chocolate. What a great party!
Saturday, October 31, 2009
Friday, October 16, 2009
A month already?!
Little Isaac turned one month old yesterday. I can hardly believe it. I know that sounds cliché, but really, it seems like he was just born the other day. At the same time, so much has happened in the last month. For one thing, he's gotten really big! He weighs about 10 lbs already, although I don't know exactly, but he's really starting to get some fat on him.
He's not a paci baby, much to his father's dismay, but he's a great sleeper (at least he is during the day). He sleeps through all kinds of running and fighting and playing all day long. I keep joking that we need to have Micah and Jadon run through the house in the middle of the night to get him to sleep better.For the most part, he's really a happy baby. He really only cries when he's in the carseat. This is the face he makes as soon as he's buckled in.
Yesterday, he cried most of the way home from Camp Akita. That's really too bad since we have to drive 20 minutes just about anywhere we go. Hopefully, he'll get a little more accustomed to that soon.
This is Zac's favorite place to sleep. (Sorry for the fuzzy picture, but that's what happens when the 7 year old has the camera)
I made a bunch of these slings before he was born and we both just love them. It's a really great alternative since he hates the carseat so much. And he's certainly easier to carry around than lugging that heavy seat everywhere.
The big kids just love having a baby brother. They are all eager to help and are constantly asking to hold him. Every once in a while, the ugly green monster rears its head, but not very often. I'm sure the day will come, but we're all having a great time right now. Hopefully that will last a long time.
Thursday, October 15, 2009
Camp Akita!!
One of the great things about homeschooling my kids is that I get to spend so much time with them. But one of the hardest things for them is how much time they spend with me. Don't get me wrong, they spend lots of time with friends and cousins, but sometimes they just need a fun day with other kids. So that's what we did today.
Camp Akita is just a little over 30 minutes away from us and they have opened up their camp to our homeschooling coop for free once a month. Today was our first day out there and we had a blast!! It was a little cold and wet, so we spent several hours out there at the lodge doing crafts and playing games. Look what a great time we had!

Petra supplied a craft for all the kids to do together. Even Micah enjoyed that and he doesn't usually like to stay in one place for too long.

Jody organized games for the kids. Relay races are always fun!
Camp Akita is just a little over 30 minutes away from us and they have opened up their camp to our homeschooling coop for free once a month. Today was our first day out there and we had a blast!! It was a little cold and wet, so we spent several hours out there at the lodge doing crafts and playing games. Look what a great time we had!
This game was a big hit. I can't remember what she called it but we used to call it "the blob"!
Who says you have to group kids together by age? We had 15 kids ranging from one month to 13 years old. While I don't think Isaac actually had any strong opinions, the rest of them seemed to have a great time together despite their age differences. And how great is it to see the big kids playing with the little kids?
Sunday, October 11, 2009
Growing, Growing, Growing
I actually posted the birth story yesterday so I could post this today.
Isaac was 7 lbs 15 oz at birth, my second biggest baby (Chloe was 8 lbs 3 oz, Jadon, 7 lbs 12 oz and Micah 7 lbs 5 oz). At 10 days old he was 8 lbs 2 oz. At 2 1/2 weeks he was 9 lbs. Who knows how big he is today, but I would not be surprised if he's already pushing 10 lbs. He really likes to eat!! So Friday, I decided to document my little porker. Although any excuse to take pictures of my baby will do, right?
Saturday, October 10, 2009
Number Four
While I realize this post is a little late in coming, I thought I'd fill in a little info about our newest addition. Isaac James was born Tuesday, Sept 15 at 6:05 pm. Although I had been having strong contractions pretty regularly since Sunday morning, they never really got to the point of actual labor until Tuesday afternoon. Every time I thought they might be going somewhere, they'd slow down to about 20 min apart or even stop completely. Tuesday morning, I woke up at about 4:30 am and had pretty regular contractions about 7 or 8 minutes apart for several hours. I even went so far as to ask Kevin to hold off going to work until they slowed down to 10 to 12 min apart by about 9am.
After lunch, I put all 3 kids down for naps and laid down myself. At that point, the contractions were coming just under 20 minutes apart and were really just a nuisance. All that changed at about 3:30pm. Jadon got up from his nap a little after 3 and I got up soon after. In the next half hour I had 3 or 4 contractions that were only relieved by walking around the house. Ellen came over for some reason I can't remember anymore but she had to follow me around the house in order to have a conversation because I could not stop pacing. At this point the contractions were still 8 or 9 min apart, but they were definitely more intense. So I called Kevin and asked him to come straight home after work. Then Ellen, Megan and I took the kids to the park. I figured I had more room to pace there and maybe it wouldn't look so funny.
Soon after that Kevin came home and grabbed my bag and headed to the park to pick me up. We got to the hospital at about 5pm. I was only 3 cm dilated, but the contractions were coming fast and furious at that point. The nurses kept talking about when I got into "active" labor, which blew my mind because I couldn't figure out how much more active it could actually get. My midwife was not on call so the OB came in a few minutes before 6. My water still hadn't broken, so she thought she had a little more time. In reality, she had no time to spare. My water broke before she had a chance to do it herself and along came Isaac James.
His delivery was a little scary because the cord was wrapped around his neck twice, and so tightly that they made me stop pushing so they could cut it off before he was completely delivered. Thankfully, he is just perfect despite the momentary panic in the room.
Jody and Mark came by shortly after his birth so Jody could document our newest gift. What a blessing he is! (And how great to have so many photographers in the family!)
Friday, October 9, 2009
Science lesson
Remember the "Song of the Cebu" fromVeggie Tales?
Well I always thought they were fictitious animals. Apparently, though, they really do exist. Right here in central Illinois. Even Mommy has to learn something new once in a while.
There is a pumpkin patch north of us, about 45 minutes that I've always wanted to go to, but I've never gotten around to it. So last Friday Jody, and Megan and I had plans to take the kids finally. Unfortunately, the weather did not cooperate. So on Wednesday, after naptime, I packed up my troupe and took them myself.
They had a blast!!
This place has fun little petting zoo with, you guessed it, Zebus!!
They've got a fun playhouse, big enough for my girl, with slides for getting down from the house.
They've also got a corn maze that looks pretty cool, but it's kinda expensive and not something I want to do with four kids anyway. But they also have a "corn shock" maze just for the kids. All three of my biggies will tell you this was their favorite part.
Of course they have pumpkins, some of them are enormous!!
This bad boy weighed almost 900 pounds!!
It was really great to do something fun with the kids. I think they've been getting a little stir crazy because everything seems to be about the baby lately, so I was glad to get out with them. Of course we did bring little Isaac along and he stayed warm and content with Mommy in his snuggly little sling right up until we left. Then we had to document the day with a picture of all four of my kids together. I just think they are darling!
Saturday, October 3, 2009
Baby brother love
I know it's been forever and I've not done much to satisfy the need for more pictures, but you'll have to forgive me. I've ignored my camera a lot these past couple of weeks. I'll try to do better. In the meantime, here are the proud big sister and brothers. Megan came up to the hospital with Kevin and the kids after Isaac was born and she took some pictures of my kiddos with the baby.

We're having lots of fun, but life is definitely a challenge right now. We're hoping to start school again next week and get into a more normal routine. I'll let you know how that works out. Hopefully I can give my camera the attention that it needs, too!

They just dote on him. Jadon loves to give him kisses. I am constantly reminding him to kiss hiss head, not his face. Micah ignores the baby most of the time, but every once in a while, he finds the need to come play with him or hold him for a bit. I think he'll like him a whole lot more when they can do a little more playing instead of just watching. Chloe is having a great time being a big sister to a newborn. She's a great helper. Isaac hates to be left alone, so she often volunteers to talk to him and keep him calm while I'm occupied with the other kids or doing dishes or fixing dinner. She's also gotten to be a big help with Jadon. He usually goes to her for help making his bed or putting on his shoes or coat. She definitely makes the transition to Momma of 4 a lot easier for me to handle.
We're having lots of fun, but life is definitely a challenge right now. We're hoping to start school again next week and get into a more normal routine. I'll let you know how that works out. Hopefully I can give my camera the attention that it needs, too!
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Mom to four beautiful blessings including a brand new little guy. Laugh and cry with me as I navigate the joys and perils of motherhood and homeschooling.