Saturday, October 10, 2009

Number Four

While I realize this post is a little late in coming, I thought I'd fill in a little info about our newest addition.  Isaac James was born Tuesday, Sept 15 at 6:05 pm.  Although I had been having strong contractions pretty regularly since Sunday morning, they never really got to the point of actual labor until Tuesday afternoon.  Every time I thought they might be going somewhere, they'd slow down to about 20 min apart or even stop completely.  Tuesday morning, I woke up at about 4:30 am and had pretty regular contractions about 7 or 8 minutes apart for several hours.  I even went so far as to ask Kevin to hold off going to work until they slowed down to 10 to 12 min apart by about 9am. 

After lunch, I put all 3 kids down for naps and laid down myself.  At that point, the contractions were coming just under 20 minutes apart and were really just a nuisance.  All that changed at about 3:30pm.  Jadon got up from his nap a little after 3 and I got up soon after.  In the next half hour I had 3 or 4 contractions that were only relieved by walking around the house.  Ellen came over for some reason I can't remember anymore but she had to follow me around the house in order to have a conversation because I could not stop pacing.  At this point the contractions were still 8 or 9 min apart, but they were definitely more intense.  So I called Kevin and asked him to come straight home after work.  Then Ellen, Megan and I took the kids to the park.  I figured I had more room to pace there and maybe it wouldn't look so funny. 

Soon after that Kevin came home and grabbed my bag and headed to the park to pick me up.  We got to the hospital at about 5pm.  I was only 3 cm dilated, but the contractions were coming fast and furious at that point.  The nurses kept talking about when I got into "active" labor, which blew my mind because I couldn't figure out how much more active it could actually get.  My midwife was not on call so the OB came in a few minutes before 6.  My water still hadn't broken, so she thought she had a little more time.  In reality, she had no time to spare.  My water broke before she had a chance to do it herself and along came Isaac James. 

His delivery was a little scary because the cord was wrapped around his neck twice, and so tightly that they made me stop pushing so they could cut it off before he was completely delivered.  Thankfully, he is just perfect despite the momentary panic in the room.
Jody and Mark came by shortly after his birth so Jody could document our newest gift.  What a blessing he is! (And how great to have so many photographers in the family!)

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Mom to four beautiful blessings including a brand new little guy. Laugh and cry with me as I navigate the joys and perils of motherhood and homeschooling.