Spring has arrived, and full force I might add. And along with the warm weather comes lots of playing outside and the abandonment of the computer. So we'll do a brief overview of the last month to make up for my absence from this blog.
Isaac turned 7 months old: he's adorable for sure, and rolling and squirming to get wherever he can go
He's also learned to sit all on his own which makes life much easier on this Momma, since he's happy to play alone or with the other kids for good stretches now
Jadon learned to pump his legs on the swing. Our regular babysitter dropped by the yard to play with the kids a couple weeks ago and taught him how. Awesome! (this Momma is thrilled to not hafta push too!)
Chloe is nearing her 8th birthday.
She's such a HUGE help around the house, I don't know what I'd do without her. There are days that I have to remind myself to let her be a kid. Since she likes to help out, I sometimes take advantage without realizing it. But the help with Zac is awesome! I can even get supper fixed on time most nights with her help.
She's such a HUGE help around the house, I don't know what I'd do without her. There are days that I have to remind myself to let her be a kid. Since she likes to help out, I sometimes take advantage without realizing it. But the help with Zac is awesome! I can even get supper fixed on time most nights with her help.
Jody and I spent a day last week preparing meals for the freezer, along with another friend. Together, the 3 of us made 36 meals: that's right, 12 full meals for each of us! Now my freezer is stocked for those days I just can't get dinner ready, or nights when I've got something else going.
Oh, and the Rodies won their first tournament of the year!
(dodgeball tournament that is)
So that's what has been happening around here. Tonight marks the start of softball season, so we'll be busy, busy. Hopefully, I'll find some time to post updates on here, but if not, you'll know what we're doing... watching softball of course!
1 comment:
Cute recap! I adore the picture with Chloe and Isaac. So adorably sweet.
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