Wednesday, August 4, 2010

Going to the Game!

Yesterday I was having camera withdrawals, so as we were headed out the door to yet another softball game I grabbed my bag, intent on actually using it this time. While there are some thrilling photos to be taken of the actual game, they require paying attention with your finger on the trigger for the entire game to get that split second shot and I just am not that dedicated.  And besides, I have 4 kids.  Enough said. So rather than show take a bunch of shots that all look like this
I took some photos of what the rest of us do while the Daddies play.
Zac has been showing off his beautiful new teeth.  He's very proud of them.
Aunt Megan brought jelly beans to hand out to the kiddos.

What else would Micah be doing?
Chloe has been learning to make friendship bracelets, so she's teaching the other kids.  That's right up her alley.

Last night was so humid, my glasses fogged up as soon as I opened the car door.  Jadon was dripping with sweat within minutes.

After a win, sometimes even a loss, we usually end up at Dairy Queen. The kids do a lot of begging and we usually cave.

Zac was pretty perturbed that he didn't have anything. But don't worry, little guy, Uncle Mark's got your back!

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Mom to four beautiful blessings including a brand new little guy. Laugh and cry with me as I navigate the joys and perils of motherhood and homeschooling.