Tuesday, December 9, 2008

Mommy's Big Day

As a mother, I am often surprised at how quickly my kiddos are growing up. You'd think by the title that this post was about me. But it's not. My day was big only in that I spent the day waiting and (trying not to) worry while my dad took Chloe and Micah skiing. That's right, skiing. For those of you who don't remember, Chloe is just six years old and Micah just had his 5th birthday last month. And I know that there are kids out there who have been skiing since they were potty trained. But not mine. Mine are going to stay little for a very long time. My aversion to them skiing might just have a little something to do with how much I dislike skiing myself.

However, on the return trip, my Dad called to inform me of some bad news... I may have to decide to like skiing after all. Because, apparently, they loved it! I'm happy for them, I really am. And I'll probably decide that they should go a few more times this year.

My Dad, of course took some photos of the day. I didn't even ask him to. (Betcha you were all wondering where I got my photobug from) Their ski instructor for the morning was April. She met them when they walked in the door and spent the next three hours teaching the kids everything from how to put on their skis to how to make a "pizza" (with their skis, for those of you who have no idea). While the lesson did cost a pretty penny, my Dad said it was definitely worthwhile. He should know, it was his penny.

Chloe got the hang of the "pizza" pretty well and was turning and pulling herself up the tow rope. Micah, however, was a little distracted by all the snowballs he kept picking up. Not great when the snow is pretty much ice. But what else would anyone expect from my boy. I mean, he is a Rodie afterall.
Micah claims his favorite part was the magic carpet. Chloe never told me her favorite part, although I have a sneaking suspicion it was the hot chocolate break that she keeps talking about. She couldn't contain her glee while she was telling me about the day, despite the fact she was too exhausted to even eat supper. All in all, they had a great time, and I hope we can get some more use out of their new skis this year. It is only the beginning of winter and it promises to be filled with snow.

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Mom to four beautiful blessings including a brand new little guy. Laugh and cry with me as I navigate the joys and perils of motherhood and homeschooling.