When I was pregnant with Jadon, I thought for sure he was going to be born on Halloween. I can't stand Halloween. But I figured I'd either be miserable every year or I'd just have to learn to embrace it. I chose the latter. So every year since I've made themed costumes for the kids. When Micah was Jadon's age he had this oh, so adorable lion costume so we centered our theme around that costume. So then we got Dorothy... and the Scarecrow. My kids have actually seen the movie, so they did know the characters, despite the fact that Micah really doesn't like the movie. They loved the costumes. Of course we had to have a photo shoot before Trunk or Treat. Happy Halloween everybody!
Mom to four beautiful blessings including a brand new little guy. Laugh and cry with me as I navigate the joys and perils of motherhood and homeschooling.
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