Yes, I know, that sounds much more like something my husband would say than me. But I think he'd be pretty pround of my little play on words there. Anyway, our family was pretty busy with fireworks the last few days. The kids and Kevin went over to Uncle BJ's to watch fireworks on Thursday, then we all went to "the 'Burg" on the Fourth to watch them over the lake, and tonight we walked the 2 blocks to the high school to see them here in town. So, I think it's safe to say my children are over their fear of fireworks now.
Last night was pretty fun. We pulled into the park and got out of the car to hear Kevin's bro-in-law shout my name. Jody and Mark and their 4 kids had pulled in right behind us. So we walked about a 1/2 mile to the lake and we all sat together to watch the fireworks. Word to the wise, do NOT sit directly in front of the pavilion. They do not turn off the lights on the beach for the fireworks. We still had a good time and we never lost track of any kids that way, but it kind of ruined the pictures of the fireworks last night. I got a few okay ones, but not anything great by any means. And who wants pictures that are just okay anyway?I did take a few pics of the kids that were kinda cute when I played around with them this morning. It's always fun to try new things with my pictures anyway right?
These glow sticks are so cool! I always wanted them when I was a kid and my mom and dad would never get them for me, so every year I make sure I go to the dollar store to get a bunch for all the kids. They think they're pretty cool, too.
Tonight, BJ and Megan had come over for the afternoon so they joined us for fireworks at the high school after the boys got in a couple rounds of croquet. I should have been taking pictures of that. They seemed to be having a pretty good time. BJ actually got out the lawn mower and cut the croquet path down. In case you ever wondered, we don't really like to mow the lawn around here, so sometimes the grass gets kinda long.
I love that we can walk to the fireworks here in town. There have even been occasions when we've sat on the front porch to watch, especially when there's a baby sleeping, as has happened a few times in past years. Tonight I did wake JJ up, but I really didn't have to, I just wanted to. Sometimes I think I must be a glutton for punishment. He went right to sleep as soon we got home, so I guess I got lucky this time.
Anyway, we walked over to the school and got some funnel cakes and we all hung out together until the fireworks started. Hey, and since we were only 2 blocks away, the kids were all asleep by 10! That's pretty good, isn't it! Especially considering this is what Chloe looked like last night at 10 while watching the fireworks.
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